Caring for Older Tasmanians

Interactive modules designed to help you to effectively care for an older Tasmanian.

Interactive training modules designed to enable you to effectively care for older Tasmanians.

Welcome to a series of interactive modules designed by Carers Tasmania/Care2Serve to help you care for an older Tasmanian (elder). These six modules are designed for Tasmanian carers – people who care for a family member or friend with disability, chronic or life-limiting condition, mental ill health, alcohol or other drug dependence or who is frail aged.

Caring for older Tasmanians


Prepare to Care

This module will help you plan the care of an older Tasmanian, and to support them to live their best life possible.


Physical and Mental Health

This module will help you support your elder with their physical and mental health needs. It will help you make sure that your elder is in control of their health decisions.


Staying at Home

This module will help you support and get support for your elder to live at home.


Respite and Residential Aged Care

This module will help you and your elder with residential aged care for either respite or to stay permanently.


Planning for Life and Preparing for End of Life

This module will help you with planning and preparing for life and the end of life.


Caring for the Carer

When you become a carer, the person you care for becomes the focus of most of your time and attention. This module will help you find ways to look after yourself.

Carer Gateway and Care2Serve are here to support Carers, offering free access to practical advice and support.

Register as a Carer

Call Carer Gateway and register as a carer. Carer Gateway is an Australian Government program providing free services and support for carers.

Visit Care2Serve

Care2Serve is the service delivery arm of Carers Tasmania, delivering Carer Gateway in Tasmania.